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Islamic Hub

Islamic PictureIslamic Hub only purpose is to serve Imam of our time Sahibe Asr was Zamaan (a.s).
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.a.w) said "Acquiring Knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim"
Thus striving for knowledge of Deen-e-Islam is obligatory for every Muslim.
Islamic Hub offers our clients with variety of books ranging from History of Islam to Ahqam e Deen, from Akhlaq to Philosophy of Islam, from Quranic Sciences to Arabic grammer, from hadiths to Tafaseer of Quran. Islamic Hub also have separate section for Kids, where your kids can find beautifully illustrated books with inspiring message of Islam.

Our aim is to do our little for Imam Mahdi (a.s).
To your loudest Salawat.

Book Title Page

Usool Al Kafi

Muhammad ibn Ya‘qūb al-Kulaynī

Publisher: Ahlulbayt Publishers

CAD $115

Description- Usool Al Kafi is the most popular and oldest hadith book of Twelver Shia-Hadiths compiled by Muhammad ibn Yaqub al-Kulayni. It has total 16199 narrations.Usul al Kafi which had hadiths focussing on history, ethics, supplications and Quran.

Book Title Page

Lights on Muhammadan Sunnah

Mahmud Abu Rayyah

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications - Qum

CAD $15

Description- Islamic History has witnessed lots of fabrication and false narrators. This book is an attempt to evaluate who was truthful and who got diverted.What is real and what is fake. The book discusses personality of famous narrators and their life events.

Book Title Page

As-Sahifa Al-Kamilah

Imam Ali Zaynul Abidin(a.s)

Publisher: Muhammadi Trust of Great Britain

CAD $15

Description- Sahifa Al Sajjadiya is the collection of most beautiful supplication by 4th imam of Shias and the prophet(sawaw) grandson Imam Zain Ul Abideen a.s. It has Supplication from prayers for parents to Prayers for children,increasing sustenance to long life.

Book Title Page

Nahjul Balagha

Allamah Sharif Razi

Publisher: Meraj Publications.

CAD $14

Description- Nahjul Balagha is collection of sermons, letter and sayings of Commander of Faithful Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib a.s covering every aspect of human life, relationships, nature, science, philosophy of living, ethics etc.

Book Title Page

Bihar ul Anwar

Allama Muhammad Baqir Majlesi (R.A)

Publisher: Mehfoos Book Agency

CAD $35

Description- Bihar ul Anwar is the shia hadith compilation by famous shia scholar Mohammad Baqir Majlisi.It is collection of Hadiths, tafaseer on quranic verses, historical events. This translated version comprises of 12 volumes.

Book Title Page

Commentary on Suratul Jinn

Naser Makarem Shirazi

Publisher: Islamic Humanitarian Service (IHS)

CAD $16

Description- In this book Author give detail commentary about Surah Jinn. This includes traditions in details related to Suratul Jinn , rightly guided and diverted Jinns and their belied in Prophet Muhammad and Day of Judgement.

Book Title Page

Islamic Ethics

Sayyid Husayn Dastaghaib Shirazi.

Publisher: Ahlulbayt Publishers

CAD $15

Description- This is the book written by Sayyid 'Abd al-Hussayn Dastaghaib Shirazi and is one of the great book covering significance of Ethics in Islam. And cover topics like anger,lust,envy,arrogance etc and how a person purify oneself with good Akhlaq.

Book Title Page

The Greatest Jihad

Sayyid Ruhulla Musawi Khomeini

Publisher: Ahlulbayt Publishers

CAD $25

Description- This book describes how great personalities become great by combatting their nafs and why Allah has called greatest Jihad to be fighting against one own self. It pivotal for religious students and focusses on devotion, faith and knowledge.

Book Title Page

Akhlaq al-Aimma

Maulana Sayyid Zafar Hasan Amrohi

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications- Qom

CAD $35

Description- This book is an amazing compilation of perfect morals of fourteen purest infalliables.It mentiones examples and events from life of Imams and Masumeen a.s about their emmence knowledge, piety, mercy, wisdom, intellect, ettiquetes, justice.

Book Title Page

Commentary:Surah al-Hujurat

Jafar Subhani

Publisher: Islamic Humanitarian Service (IHS)

CAD $20

Description- Ayatollah Jafar Subhani beautifully eloborates on the ethical importance and perspective of Surah Hujurat of Quran and how this surah is solution for ethical problems of society. Ethics is essential to Islam as religion and to Muslim as followers.

Book Title Page

Indicators of Piety

Mohammad Ali Shomali

Publisher: Ahlul Bayt World Assemby

CAD $65

Description- Allah is Rehmaan and Raheem and he wants his followers to adopt this very nature of piety and merciful.This is the series that discusses importance of Piety in Quran, life of 14 infalliables, prophets and how we can inspire from them to adopt it in our lives.

Book Title Page

Gheeba Rulings

Sheikh Taqi Ad-Din Ibrahimi

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications Qom

CAD $15

Description- Backbiting is a great society is facing today. This book is pivotal to this very topic of Backbiting in the light of Holy Quran, Hadith and life incidences of 14 infalliables.Its give tremendous hadith of abstaining from Gheebah and rulings in details.

Book Title Page

Understanding Karbala

Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi

Publisher:Ansariyan Publications - Qum

CAD $45

Description- This book is collection of Articles and radio speeches collected and written by author in this book. Its a detail description of history of Ummayyads their evil deeds, confiscation of Medina and Islamic state, and tragedy of Karbala.

Book Title Page

Life of Muhammad SAWAW

Ayatollah Muhammad Baqar Al Qurashi

Publisher: Ahlulbayt Publishers

CAD $14

Description- This is the 1st part of series of Biography of 14 Infalliables. In this Book Author give detail description of life of Prophet Muhammad's life, before birth to his demise. It discusses historical events from life of Mohammad peace be upon him and his family.

Book Title Page

Fatima is Fatima

Ali Shariati

Publisher: The Shariati Foundation

CAD $12

Description- Account of life of Fatima tus Zahra the daughter of Prophet of Islam and the leader of all the women of Paradise. Her intellect, her status, her struggle, her patience, her virtues are being discussed in detail.

Book Title Page

Imam ar-Ridha

Muhammad Jawad Fadhlallah

Publisher: Ahlulbayt Publishers

CAD $15

Description- This book describes the life of 8th Imam, Imam Al Ridha a.s.Orginally written in Arabic this book is translated by Yasin T.Jibouri. Lineade, birth, demise, offspring, migrations, his knowledge, his virtues , his life during the reign of Mamun Al Rashid is analysed .

Book Title Page

Life of Ali ibn Abi Talib a.s

Ayatollah Muhammad Baqar Al Qurashi

Publisher: Ahlulbayt Publishers

CAD $33

Description-In this Book Author give detail description of life of Imam Ali, before birth to his demise. It discusses historical events from life of Ali peace be upon him and his family, his sacrifices for deen e islam, his marriages, progeny and Quranic Verses.

Book Title Page

Life of Imam Hasan a.s

Ayatollah Muhammad Baqar Al Qurashi

Publisher: Ahlulbayt Publishers

CAD $16

Description-In this Book Author give detail description of life of Imam Hassan, before birth to his demise. It discusses historical events from life of Hassan peace be upon him and his family, his sacrifices for deen e islam, his marriages, progeny and Quranic Verses.

Book Title Page

The Thirst of Sakina (s.a)

Zahra Trust

Publisher:Kisa publication

CAD $15

Description- Children book describing thirst and sacrifice of Bibi Sakina in Karbala. The book has beautiful illustrations by orphans of Syria. Bibi Sakina and her Thirst in karbala teaches great lessons to children.

Book Title Page

Hakima and Hadi Pray Salaah!

Moulana Nabi R.Mir

Publisher: Kisa Publications

CAD $15

Description- This Children book inspire them to adopt Salah individually and in family. Book emphasises on how important it is for children to be prepared for salah, learn it and get inspired to pray along with their family. Beautiful illustrations of wudhu, namaz, and jamaat.

Book Title Page

The Brave Defender(IMAM ALI)

Molana Nabi R.Mir

Publisher: Kisa Publication

CAD $7

Description- Children book mentioning an important incident when Ali ibn Abi Talib a.s defended Prophet from children of Makkah. Imam Ali was a great supporter of prophet Muhammad sawaw right from childhood. His bravery and love is admirable.

Book Title Page

The Cheerful Boy(Imam Sadiq)

Molana Nabi R.Mir

Publisher: Kisa Publication

CAD $15

Description- Children book mentioning virtues of Imam Jafer As Sadiq a.s. The 6th Imam this is one of 12 books of series The virtues of Masummen a.s. Children learn about these beautiful stories about Islam and Imams.

Book Title Page

Why She was Named Fatimah?

Molana Nabi R.Mir

Publisher: Kisa Publication

CAD $8.99

Description- Children book mentioning history, meaning and virtues of BIBI Fatima tus Zahra a.s.This book explains why Fatima tus Zahra was named Fatima, who gave this name to her and what are the meaning of this beautiful name.

Book Title Page

The Intelligent Boy

Molana Nabi R.Mir

Publisher: Kisa Publication

CAD $6.77

Description- Children book mentioning virtues of Imam Hassan a.s. Imam Hassan was beautiful as well as intellectually outclass. This story about Imam Hassan is one such incidence of his intelligence written beautifully by Molana Nabi R.Mir.

Book Title Page

Image Of Household Of Prophet

Muhammadi Rayshahri

Publisher: Darul Hadith

CAD $15

Description- Beautiful description from Quranic verses and hadith about how household of prophet is the purest household. It also include sunni references which describe the status and virtues of Prophet's progeny.

Book Title Page

Encyclopedia of Imam Ali a.s

Muhammad Muhammadi Rayshahri

Publisher: Darul Hadith

CAD $15.89

Description- A comprehensive Examination of the life , history and virtues of master of faithful Ali ibn Abi Talib a.s based on Islam's authoritative sources. Imam Ali's characterstics, Quranic Ayah about him, and his being Successor after Prophet is discussed.

Book Title Page

Gunahane Kabira Part1

Ayatullah Dastaghaib Sherazee

Publisher: Ahlulbayt Publishers

CAD $35

Islam. Description- Detail description of major sins in Islam, their consequences in here and in hereafter, repentance from them based on Hadith and Quranic versus. Abstaining from evil and doing good is one of the furu e deen of Shia

Book Title Page

Gunahane Kabira Part2

Ayatullah Dastaghaib Sherazee

Publisher: Ahlulbayt Publishers

CAD $35

Description- Detail description of major sins in Islam, their consequences in here and in hereafter, repentance from them based on Hadith and Quranic versus. Abstaining from evil and doing good is one of the furu e deen of Shia

Book Title Page

Gunahane Kabira Part3

Ayatullah Dastaghaib Sherazee

Publisher: Ahlulbayt Publishers

CAD $15

Description- Detail description of major sins in Islam, their consequences in here and in hereafter, repentance from them based on Hadith and Quranic versus. Abstaining from evil and doing good is one of the furu e deen of Shia

Book Title Page

Rights of charter

Imam Zain ul Abideen a.s

Publisher: Ahlulbayt Publishers

CAD $14

Description- Imam Zain ul abideen has mentioned beautifully rights of different people, relation, of our self, neighbours, body parts etc. It is a collection of beautiful book by our forth Imam and no such compilation of rights of all discussed in such detail.

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